Coronavirus Community Assistance Directory

Coronavirus Community Assistance Directory

If you need medical help, please follow the guidance on the NHS Inform website. Do not go directly to your GP, hospital or other healthcare environment.

Use the search on the SCVO website to organisations that are able to offer non-medical help directly to people below.

If you are an organisation or professional looking for help, use this search instead.

Information on the website is provided by users and is not verified, so please report any incorrect or inappropriate listings, and never give personal or financial details online to someone you don’t know.
This website has just been launched and is still being developed, if you have any feedback please contact

For organisations
Many organisations want to help in response to the many challenges facing people, communities, and our health and care services.

  • Share what help you can offer directly to the public
  • Share what help you can offer to other organisations in your area
  • Share what help or resources you require
  • Find out what assistance is needed by organisations in your area
  • Find help offered by other organisations

For more details check out the website here.