Keeping our Care Homes connected – How we can help you!

Get involved, we are working to keep Care Homes connected and assist in making new connections with younger generations.

We have been contacting Care Homes in Scotland to provide, advice support and resources to staying connected and reconnecting throughout the pandemic. Intergenerational practice has been massively affected in Care Homes. Established projects and initiatives relied heavily upon face- to-face contact, with groups of younger generations entering the care setting. The need to halt the spread of the virus and protect lives brought these to an immediate stop.
The health emergency has shone a light on the importance of more cohesive communities and intergenerational relationships. We recognise the impact this has had on not only Care Home residents but staff and residents’ families also.
We have produced resources such as directories and a ‘how to’ Connect Safely Online guide packed full of unique ideas and activities to staying connected. Two Care Home Representative Meetings have taken place via zoom which have proved hugely successful. We discussed barriers and how to overcome them and shared ideas of ways for Care Homes to stay connected. Hearing positive and inspiring stories of work which is taking place at the moment and planned for the future. Intergenerational work was identified as having a unique and significant contribution to make to the recovery process of this pandemic.
We have our next Care Home Representatives meeting 28th January 2021, please share your positive intergenerational stories and any barriers which you feel may be worth exploring with us before the meeting.
Book your place now