Board Games connect the generations

Studies have shown that play using technology can help maintain grandparent-grandchild relationships, as well as improving older people’s digital literacy and reducing their social isolation. It may also benefit children’s development and support parents in replacing “bad” screen time.
Researchers in psychology in the Open University have explored the value of playing board games online, between generations, following on from existing research into the value of playing board games in an intergenerational context.

Follow the link to read the article, Board games: how playing them online can bring grandchildren and grandparents closer shared through The Conversation, to find out more.

It is a pleasure to share this during #Loneliness Awareness Week as we consider how the benefits recognised for family generational connections can be extended to those who are not related also.

If interested in exploring Play and Storytelling in an intergenerational context further, please do link to the Toolkit launched during Global Intergenerational Week – a partnership between GWT and Play Scotland.