Supporting Generations Working Together on AmazonSmile

Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know that with AmazonSmile you can help raise funds for Generations Working Together at no cost to you?

On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select a charitable organisation that will receive donations from your future eligible AmazonSmile purchases. If you select Generations Working Together, every eligible purchase you make through AmazonSmile will result in a donation for us, based on 0.5% of the net purchase costs.

This is an easy, effective way to support our services and help us bring people together. Please note: all purchases need to be made through AmazonSmile, not the standard Amazon site. You can make sure you’re on the right site by checking the AmazonSmile logo is in the top-right of the webpage or by looking at the web address:

For more details about the AmazonSmile programme, go here.

We hope you’ll consider making Generations Working Together your chosen charity!