Keeping Generations Connected

Letter writing is something that can keep you connected in the community even while we are apart through the pandemic. This resource contains tips and activity ideas to support pupils writing letters in class. In our modern world of social media and technology, communication has never been so fast or so easy. However, letter writing is having a comeback, and taking the time to write a personal letter to someone will always be valued. It is also a skill that pupils will need throughout life.

This resource offers hints and tips to help you and your pupils create fun and enjoyable activities around letter writing. The resource also contains ideas to support writing for a purpose and using letter writing to engage with the wider community. It is something that Generations Working Together has encouraged and the Scottish Book Trust’s resource is another useful guide to use. It can be adapted by anyone wanting to stay connected with another generation or community partner.

Click on the link to download the resource
Top Tips for Letter Writing