Website changes - please bear with us

You may have noticed that our website has started to look slightly different in the last few weeks. We’ve doing a wee makeover throughout July and August. While things are being updated, there may be issues with broken links or pages not loading as expected. If you notice any problems, please email us to let us know.

Here are the new changes we are rolling out:

  • Events & Training have been split into separate pages. Events now cover our annual conference and other one-off events, while Training is entirely focussed on our online and in-person courses
  • Case Studies have been merged with our Resources page, with improved search functionality and filters across all resources
  • The Networks page has been updated slightly, with networks listed in full, instead of a drop down menu
  • Volunteering is a new page that should be launching soon, covering opportunities for volunteering with us as well as other organisations. We hope to offer the ability for organisations to share volunteering opportunities on this new page