West Dunbartonshire Housing Complexes looking to build relationships through Intergenerational projects

West Dunbartonshire Council has 9 Sheltered Housing Complexes, as part of CHCP we are keen to build relationships and become partners with a variety of organisations, to take forward ideas that would support growth within intergenerational partnerships.

Ideas we would like to pursue include, working with the schools to explore the history of the Singers factory (photo above), the shipyard and the post war years in Clydebank.

The idea being the children could obtain the information from the sheltered housing tenants, produce a documentary, play, or write an article.

By doing some independent research and obtaining photos (SCRAN) the pupils would learn about local history and the tenants would be able to reminisce and enjoy the interaction with pupils.

We are also interested in creating an individual music play list for tenants, again pupils could ask the tenants about their musical preferences, then try and obtain copies and create a play list or use Spotify etc. It may be possible for the old music to be given a face lift. Intergenerational working in the gardens is also something we would like to explore. These are just a few of the ideas we have had; we are very open to any new ideas.

I believe it would benefit everyone if we could encourage more community spirit. We are keen to try and put the complexes at the heart of the community. If anyone has any suggestions, or just wants to explore the possibilities please send me an email.

If anyone has any ideas, or just wants to explore the possibilities please send Alex Wren, Care at Home Co-ordinator an email.