GWT to appoint a young Trustee

Did you know?
The average age of a trustee is recognised as 61 years of age however 85% of people under 35 are interested in becoming a trustee, yet only <2.1% of trustees are under 30. International Voluntary Service

GWT is looking for a young person to join the board of volunteer trustees who has some experience of working in the voluntary, public or private sector who want to become actively involved.

Our Trustees are responsible and accountable for the overall strategic leadership and direction of the organisation and will share our vision and passion about promoting strong, generationally connected communities.

This volunteer will bring a young person’s perspective to the board and the work of GWT, have strong communication skills, a range of expertise and experiences plus understanding and enthusiasm to contribute.

To support the successful applicant the board will ensure the young person is mentored by one of our experienced trustees. The chair will also ensure that board meetings involve active questioning and listening given to all trustees.

Trustees are appointed for a term of 3 years and are eligible to serve a further 3-year term, after which they must retire from the board.

Board meetings are held four or five times a year (normally in Glasgow). As a small charity it is expected that Board members will take on additional responsibilities between meetings consistent with the objectives of GWT. This may include membership of Task and Finish Groups, Standing Committees or specific tasks consistent with their areas of expertise.

Quotes (International Voluntary service)

“Being appointed as a Trustee of Young Scot, I have gained a great depth of knowledge and skills... in particular professionalism and integrity which I have taken forward in the early stages of my career.”

Abbie Wilson, Trustee at Young Scot

“A board that does not reflect the diversity of the people it hopes to represent, or support will struggle to find effective solutions. Young trustees offer much more than enthusiasm – they bring with them a lifetime of skills, experience and understanding that is likely to be lacking around the decision-making table”

Lisa Clark, Trustee at Zero Tolerance Scotland