Older people – a bonus not a burden

For some time, SOPA has been very concerned about the way in which Older People are regarded by others. These films will be showcasing the views of Older People in doorstep interviews filmed during ‘lockdown’. Many Older People will tell you that although we may be a bit slower because of stiff joints we are still the same person we have always been inside – people who have worked hard in various occupations, raised families and lived busy, interesting and varied lives in society. With this in mind, we ventured to counter the stereotyping of Older People as frail, weak and burdens by undertaking this filming project. We want to show that we may be very mature but we are still living worthwhile lives, working, volunteering and contributing to our communities whilst still having lots of fun. We are also sharing what we have learnt in our life experience to younger friends and our grand-children.

We are asking SOPA members to get involved and to help to support this campaign. You can:
• follow SOPA on Facebook and Twitter
• like and share the interviews
• bring the interviews to the attention of your family, colleagues, networks and local paper
• contact SOPA if you would like to arrange an interview about the films or a screening of the films.

We hope you enjoy the films!