Quality of Life in the UK, 2018 - How we’re doing so far

Marking eight years of National Well-being – How we’re doing so far

The article provides a snapshot into how people of different ages are faring in the UK today across a range of measures of national well-being where age group data are available.

Main points
The latest update of the Measuring of National Well-being programme provides a broadly positive picture of life in the UK, with most indicators either improving or staying the same over the short-term (one year) and long-term (five years).

  1. Younger people (mainly aged 16 to 24) were more likely to report higher ratings of satisfaction with their health and engage in physical activities.
  2. The main challenges for younger people include unemployment, loneliness, having someone to rely on and a lack of sense of belonging to their neighbourhood.
  3. People in their early and middle years (mainly aged 25 to 54) were generally more likely to be in employment, but less likely to be satisfied with their leisure time.
  4. Older people (mainly aged 75 and over) were more likely to be satisfied with their income, leisure time, feel they can cope financially and belong to their neighbourhood.
  5. The main challenges for older people are lower satisfaction with their health and lower engagement with an art or cultural activity.

Statistician’s comment
“There is a growing recognition that how we are doing as a nation is at least as much about people’s well-being as it is about the country’s economic health. Today’s analysis shows the strengths and challenges of different age groups in society. These insights can help target services where they are most needed and can have the best impact”.
Silvia Manclossi, Head of Quality of Life Team, Office for National Statistics

Please find the report here