State of Caring 2023: A health and social care crisis for unpaid carers in Scotland

A new report, State of Caring 2023 by Carers’ Scotland outline the ongoing struggle that they are facing to access the services and support they need to care and manage their health and wellbeing.

  • Over a quarter of carers (28%) said their mental health is bad or very bad, rising to 37% for carers on Carer’s Allowance. 
  • A third (36%) of carers said that they had thoughts related to self-harm or suicide. 
  • Over half (54%) of carers said that their physical health had suffered because of their caring role, with one in five (20%) suffering a physical injury from caring.   

 The report is a result of a survey of over 1700 Scottish unpaid carers. 

Read the full report here.