Ageism Network

Ageism Network

Our aim is to connect individuals, volunteers, practitioners, policy makers, politicians, civil servants, academics and researchers who are interested in using an intergenerational lens to reduce ageism for people of all ages especially older and younger generations.

The network will meet 3 times each year inviting guests from Scotland and across the world to share their expertise knowledge and experience to guide us in identifying ways on how we can deliver programmes and initiatives which will reduce ageism for younger and older people.

Meetings for 2024

Tuesday 7th May 2024, 1:30pm – 3:00pm (online)

Join us for a conversation workshop where we continue the journey to stop ageism. We know that ageism is common and experienced by older and younger generations in our communities. Let’s talk about how we can connect these generations and encourage discussions which build on new ideas to connect and create a world that breaks down stereotypes and celebrates diversity.

Our conversations will consider:

  • how we break down age barriers
  • finding spaces to bring generations together
  • redesigning how we think
  • reimagining our environment

We also hope to share some case studies (TBC). To attend please book a place here.

If you would like to share your ideas and experiences around reducing ageism or would like support in sourcing participants and partners interested in ageism research please contact Bella Kerr.

Past meeting – 2023

Wednesday 23rd August – Ageism is everywhere

An exciting conversation on how we continue our journey to reduce ageism. We know that ageism is common and experienced by old and young in our communities but how do we keep the conversations alive? During the session the group discussed how intergenerational approaches can address ageism by sharing stories, case studies resources and ideas. What can our communities do intergenerationally together which result in a change?

Thursday 21st September – Unifying Generations, Edwards Lifesciences

Researchers and volunteers from the Edwards Lifesciences shared insights into their survey on perceptions and experience of intergenerational solidarity of 12,850 citizens across 6 European countries (France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the UK). The Unifying Generations Initiative is their first step in the journey towards changing the perception about the senior population and supporting intergenerational solidarity. The European population is ageing. By 2030, one in five people in the UK will be aged over 651. In the Republic of Ireland, it is anticipated that there will be twice as many people aged 65 in 20512. Today, for the first time, we see four generations share a longer life span together. This demographic change is often referred to as a challenge, giving a misleadingly negative impression of the contribution of over-65s to the society. We believe that this demographic challenge is, in reality, an opportunity.

Past meetings – 2022

Back in 2022 GWT held sessions cascading the conversations around ageism wider across the country. We considered myths and stereotypes —whether at home, at work, in the classroom, or in the policy-making space. The age profile in Scotland is rapidly changing and the older population is increasing faster than in other parts of the UK. The country’s overall population is projected to increase from 5.3 million to 5.7 million by 2039 – with an 85% increase in those aged 75+ (University of Stirling). Despite these profound changes ageism we know is still widespread. DWIGHT C. K. TSE, School of Psychological Sciences and Health joined us to share his research and looked at how ageism can be seen differently through an intergenerational lens.

Lets talk some more about ageism

Agesim thematic network meeting from Generations Working Together on Vimeo.

GWT currently offers a short free training course for members which provides an opportunity for people of all ages to investigate relationships between intergenerational practice and ageism. Click below for further information.

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